7 Traits of Employees that Show Leadership

Vaughn Sigmon
9 min readFeb 8, 2023


Do you know how to spot the leadership traits of an employee?

Are you looking for the signs of a true leader? Someone who inspires others and can think beyond their current state? Here, we’ll uncover 7 key traits evident in those with leadership potential. These observable characteristics will help whether your goal is becoming a great leader or understanding someone better on your team.

Do you know how to spot the leadership trait of an employee? In this blog, we’ll go over the 7 key signs that someone has what it takes to be a great leader. So, whether you’re looking to become a leader yourself or are just trying to understand your employees better, this Show is for you!

Leadership traits are not limited to managers or those in positions of formal authority. Today we will discuss some leadership traits that can be exhibited by employees who are not managers:

1. Initiative:

Taking the lead on projects and tasks, even without being asked or told to do so. Here are a few tips to help you spot initiative in your employees:

  • Look for employees who are always coming up with solutions to problems.
  • Look for employees who have ideas that they’re willing to share, even if it’s not their area of responsibility.
  • Look for employees who take initiative in their areas of responsibility and are willing to go above and beyond what is expected of them.

Now a word of warning for your employees who show initiative.

When you’re a manager, you often feel like you have to be everywhere at once. You’re trying to keep up with the demands of all your employees, but also with the constant stream of new projects coming in from above.

And it’s easy to think that the best way to do this is by overworking your best employees-the, ones who are always willing to take on more work, who never complain about their workload, and who always seem to get things done on time (if not early).

But when you overwork your best employees, you’re doing them-and yourself-a disservice.

When you overwork an employee, it can lead them down a path toward burnout. This means that instead of being able to focus on doing their job well, they’re constantly stressed out by all the extra tasks they’re taking on.

And this stress can take its toll on their performance: they might start making mistakes or getting sick more often than usual.

They’ll also start feeling less motivated at work and less engaged with their work overall. When this happens, they may start looking for other opportunities elsewhere-which means that not only will you lose that talented employee, but you’ll also have to go through the process of hiring someone new.

Understanding and caring about the experiences and perspectives of others.

Have you ever hired someone who seemed like the perfect fit, only to realize later that they weren’t a good fit at all? It’s hard to tell whether or not someone has empathy before you hire them. But if you want to avoid making that mistake again, here are some tips for spotting employees who have a lot of empathy:

1. They listen closely and make eye contact during conversations with others

2. They ask questions about what their manager is saying rather than just nodding along

3. They offer solutions when something goes wrong at work instead of just complaining about it

Empathy is one of the most critical skills for a leader to have. It is not only necessary for your own personal growth but also for the growth of your team. Having empathy for others will allow you to understand them better and make decisions that benefit everyone.

3. Communication:

Being able to articulate ideas clearly and effectively and listen actively to others.

Good communication is a key skill for any manager. But how do you know if your employees are good communicators? Here are some tips and tricks:

  • Look at the employee’s emails. If they’re clear and concise, that’s a good sign that they have good communication skills.
  • Ask them to prepare a presentation for their team about something related to their job responsibilities. If they can clearly explain the task to the rest of their team, then you know they’re good communicators.
  • Ask for feedback from other people who work with them (especially if it’s someone who works closely with them). If people say that they’re easy to work with or always understand what others need from them, then you know that this employee has good communication skills.
  • Communication is an essential skill for managers to have, and it’s one that can be learned and improved with practice.

Good communication skills allow you to be an effective leader because they allow you to:

  • Recognize how your team members are feeling and respond accordingly.
  • Understand what your employees want from their jobs, their work environment, and from you as their manager.
  • Identify problems before they become major issues that affect productivity or morale.
  • Be more persuasive when presenting ideas that will impact the team or company as a whole.

And don’t forget that every good communicator is a good listener too! Everyone knows the clear objective/goal, Measures your objective progress, and understands their role is achievable, and realistic & with a target date to create URGENCY!

4. Problem-solving:

Identifying and solving problems without waiting for someone else to do it.

In order to determine whether or not an employee has good problem-solving skills, look for these signs:

  • Can they present the problem clearly?
  • Do they seem to be able to think on their feet?
  • Are they able to identify the most important parts of the problem and focus on them first?
  • Do they ask questions that help them understand what’s going on?
  • Do they solve their own problems without the need to come to you?

Why Problem-Solving Is a Critical Leadership Skill

Problem-solving is an essential skill for any person in a leadership role. Whether you’re the CEO of a company or a manager, problem-solving can make or break your ability to lead effectively.

Why? Because problem-solving is one of the most important ways leaders can demonstrate their understanding of what’s going on and how to fix it.

If you’re unable to see problems when they arise, or if you’re unable to find solutions, you may not be able to lead as effectively as possible.

So how do you improve your problem-solving skills? Here are some tips that can help:

  • Be prepared: have a list of resources on hand, so you can easily find information when needed.
  • Ask questions: don’t assume you already know everything about the problem or its solution; ask for more information if needed.
  • Keep an open mind and make sure you don’t create a misplaced bias on the solution. Especially if it is a people problem.
  • Look at all possible solutions, even if they seem unlikely at first glance.
  • Be flexible: don’t be afraid to change your view on things if necessary!
  • Get to the root cause. Don’t put band-aids on the symptoms of a problem for a quick fix. Think about where this problem arose from. Fix that!

Listen to my podcast on the Truth Behind Fixing Business Problems. It’s the parable about Babies Down The River. You will achieve a deeper understanding of fixing problems from the root.

Collaborating effectively with others and being able to build strong relationships with colleagues.

Good teamwork skills are essential for employees to succeed in the workplace. And for sure for managers

Here are some signs that an employee has good teamwork skills:

  • They’re always willing to help others and make them feel comfortable.
  • They don’t get angry or frustrated quickly when things don’t go their way.
  • They understand how to resolve conflict without resorting to yelling or other aggressive behavior.
  • They take responsibility for their mistakes instead of blaming others for them, even if they aren’t directly responsible for the mistake themselves (this shows that they place a high value on teamwork and communication).

They are taking ownership of one’s actions and decisions and being accountable for the results. In other words, they own their mistakes.

Good teamwork skills are essential to being a good leader.

When you have good teamwork skills, you can work well with others and help them succeed, making your team stronger. This can make it easier for your team to achieve goals and reach higher levels of success.

When it comes to teamwork skills, it’s all about having the ability to work well with others and help them succeed. This can make it easier for your team to achieve goals and reach higher levels of success.

6. Adaptability:

Being able to change and evolve as the organization and its needs change.

How to spot if an employee is adaptable:

  • Do they have experience working with a variety of people?
  • Do they have experience working in different environments?
  • Have they ever worked in a situation where the requirements were unclear?
  • Are they able to work independently, or do they need constant supervision?

Being adaptable is essential to being a good leader.

To be an effective leader, you must stay on top of current trends and changes in your industry. You also need to be able to anticipate trends and changes that are likely to occur in the future. You need to be able to adjust when necessary because situations may change quickly. If you’re not prepared for this, it can throw off your leadership style and affect your ability to lead effectively.

7. Integrity:

Being honest and transparent in all interactions and setting a positive example for others to follow.
Integrity is one of the most important traits for an employee to be considered to become a manager. It is an asset that will help them build trust and rapport with their team; here are some tips on spotting a manager with integrity.

Demonstrates honesty and transparency in their work.

  • Shows good judgment.
  • Has high ethical standards.
  • Is not afraid to admit mistakes.

Integrity is an essential skill for good leadership.

Why? Because a person’s integrity is the foundation of their character and credibility. When we have integrity, we are honest, reliable, and trustworthy. We keep our word and do what we say we will do.

This means we are dependable, consistent, and predictable in our actions and decisions.

  • That we will do what we say we will do.
  • That you be direct and honest with people so that they never wonder if you are being straight with them.
  • That you never go behind their back and discuss them in a derogatory way with their peers.

When you have integrity, others know they can trust you to do what is right instead of what is easy or convenient for them.

They know they can count on you to be honest with them, even if it may cost you something personally.

If people don’t trust us, they will never follow us or take our direction seriously-no matter how well-intentioned our ideas may be!

Good leaders must have integrity; otherwise, they will lose respect quickly from their team members, leading to poor performance due to a lack of motivation because no one wants to work for someone who lacks integrity!

In conclusion, leadership traits are not limited to those in formal management positions.

Employees at all levels can exhibit leadership traits such as Initiative, Empathy, Communication, Problem-solving, Teamwork, Adaptability, and Integrity. By demonstrating these traits, employees will likely contribute to creating a positive and productive work environment and helping their organization succeed.

These individuals are the future managers of your company. Companies that promote these traits in mind are so much more successful. Grow your people, and they will grow your company.

About the author:

Vaughn Sigmon is the co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership — a leadership development expert, and a podcaster. His expertise comes from years spent on the front lines and in leadership roles. As a former executive at CarMax, one of Fortune’s 100 Best Places to Work, Vaughn sets out with an ambitious mission: To improve executives’ and managers’ ability to influence their organizations through better knowledge, skillset & capability. Vaughn is a true leader in the field of leadership development. His motto is? “No matter what business you’re in, you’re in the people business!” Let him help boost your team by increasing their knowledge and skills so they can take their performance up a notch.

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Originally published at https://rdltraining.com on February 8, 2023.



Vaughn Sigmon

Productivity, Winning Strategies, Aligning Goals to Jumpstart Your Business